A Note on Grindr’s Policies Regarding Politics and Banning

We wanted to set the record straight (no pun intended) about Grindr’s policies when it comes to politics on our platform.
Alice Hunsberger
VP, Customer Experience
October 16, 2024
min. read
A Note on Grindr’s Policies Regarding Politics and Banning
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This weekend, in the aftermath of President Trump getting blocked on both Facebook and Twitter, the #grindr hashtag was trending due to several well-timed parody posts about both Trump and Lindsey Graham getting banned from Grindr.

While they were hilarious, we think this is a good time to set the record straight (no pun intended) about Grindr’s policies when it comes to politics and banning.

First, we’re not aware of either Trump or Graham having a Grindr profile. If they do, it’s surely on the down-low.

Second, our Community Guidelines state that we want you to be yourself and express yourself freely on Grindr, but not at the expense of someone else. We welcome free speech, and recognize that political preferences can be critical to finding a compatible match. For this reason, we don’t ban on political affiliation alone. Our users are free to say that they are conservative Republicans or Trump supporters if they like, just as they are free to say that they are liberal Democrats.


However, white supremacists and violent insurrectionists are not welcome on Grindr. That goes beyond politics as usual. Grindr has no tolerance for hate speech or violence of any kind, and will permanently ban any user that is found to be engaging in or encouraging that kind of behavior, politician or not. So if Trump or Graham do want to create Grindr accounts, they better be on their best behavior.

-Alice Hunsberger, Sr. Director, Customer Experience | LinkedIn

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