Pride on Wall Street: Grindr Rings the NYSE Opening Bell 

Editorial team
October 16, 2024
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Today, our CEO George Arison, accompanied by the Grindr leadership team, rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in honor of NYSE’s Pride Month festivities and in celebration of our very own 15th anniversary. This milestone comes nearly two years after Grindr's public listing in November 2022 and follows our first Investor Day presentation, where we shared our vision and strategy for the company’s continued growth, evolution, and impact.

Over the past 15 years, Grindr has grown from a groundbreaking upstart into a global platform that connects millions of LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide for a multitude of use cases far beyond casual dating. This achievement is a testament to the power of our product and the trust and support of our users, who have made Grindr a ubiquitous part of their daily lives in more than 190 countries.

As we celebrate this occasion and look to the future, we remain committed to our mission of being the Gayborhood in your pocket. Through our success, we strive to make a world where the lives of our global community are free, equal, and just. 

Watch CEO, George Arison, Ring the NSYE Opening Bell

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