Introducing ‘My Tags,’ a Better Way to Find and Be Found on Grindr

Today we’re excited to announce the U.S. rollout of My Tags, a new searchable tag feature that makes it easier to find people who share your interests on Grindr.
Bronwyn Lundberg
Associate Product Manager
October 16, 2024
min. read
Introducing ‘My Tags,’ a Better Way to Find and Be Found on Grindr
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Now you might be thinking, “Grindr already had tags,” and you’re right—we did. But while those tags were an easy way to self-identify and express yourself on your profile, they weren’t searchable, and so they weren’t a great way to find other people into the same things as you.

My Tags, on the other hand, exist to help you express yourself and to help you find others who share your interests. So if you’re into cuddling—or carplay, or cruising—you can now quickly and easily search for and find others who are into those things too.

Here’s how it works:

To add tags just navigate to your profile, click “Edit Profile,” and select up to 8 tags from the My Tags section. Once you’ve added tags, you can click on a tag on your profile or another user’s profile to bring up a search of users near you who’ve also added that tag.

You can also search for tags by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the main grid. This will open a new page where you can search for tags either by typing them in or by tapping on a word that appears in your search suggestions. Either way, you can pull up a selection of nearby profiles that have added the tag you’re searching for.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Even though we’ll show you the closest people to your location when you search a tag, it’s possible that they could still be pretty far away depending on how densely populated your area is and how popular the tag is.
  • We plan to add more tags in the near future, and are excited to hear what additional tags would resonate with our community. If you’re not seeing a tag you’d like added, just tap “Suggest a Tag” and let us know what you’d like to see.
  • Lastly, the more people add tags to their profiles, the more useful searching for tags becomes—so go add some My Tags to your profile!

My Tags was born out of a desire to help our users find one another via shared interests—kinks, hobbies, personality and more—because it’s so much easier to start a conversation when you already know you’re into the same things as a potential connection. Stay tuned as we add new tags to the library and continue to roll out My Tags to additional countries and languages in the coming weeks.

-Bronwyn Lundberg, Associate Product Manager | LinkedIn


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