Game, Set, Grunt: Grindr’s New ‘Grunt’ Notification Hits the Court

Open season is upon us. This year, we’re serving grunt on (and off) the court.
In the spirit of the US Open, Grindr’s taking a swing at something new—introducing the ‘grunt’ notification sound. That’s right, tennis grunts. They’re hot, they’re heavy, and now they’re part of your Grindr experience.
For those who live for the court, this will be an instant ace. But even if tennis isn’t your game, we think this new sound will still net you some fun.
Why tennis, and why now? Because where else do grunts speak volumes, whether you’re playing a match or just playing around? Grindr and tennis were always a match made in heaven; we’re just making it official.
Ready for some action? Here’s how:
- Tap your profile photo.
- Go to Settings.
- Scroll down to Notifications.
- Turn on the “Sound” toggle—you’re ready to grunt your way through the US Open season.
But don’t worry—if you're not feeling grunty, you can always turn of sound notifications in your account settings. After all, we know everyone likes to play their own way.