An Update on LGBTQ Wins in Thailand and Namibia

The wins for the global LGBTQ+ community just keep coming.
Grindr for Equality
October 16, 2024
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We are proud to stand hand in hand with our partners Equal Namibia and Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand as they advance the rights and protections for our community.

This week in Namibia, the apartheid-era sodomy law banning gay sex has been repealed, and the court's decision has sent a powerful message of hope in a climate often dominated by fear. This ruling affirms that LGBTQ+ Namibians are integral members of their society and equal citizens who belong in an independent and democratic Namibia. The victory is not just legal but profoundly symbolic, heralding a brighter future for the LGBTQ+ community in Africa. Consensual same-sex activity remains illegal in over half of the continent’s 54 countries, making Namibia's ruling a rare and hard-won beacon of hope. 

Equal Namibia celebrates a new era for LGBTQ+ Rights in the country

For the past several months, we have provided Namibian users with up-to-date information about the upcoming court case, including guidance on appropriate attire and safety measures. Users were encouraged to join Equal Namibia and other partner organizations in the weeks leading up to the High Court decision in Windhoek. These messages have served as a driving force, empowering our community to use their voice on the day of the verdict, culminating in a high celebration of unity and hope. 

The future remains uncertain, as it's unclear if the government will appeal to the Supreme Court. However, what is certain is that the movement for equality will not stop here.

During the press conference, an activist shared a sentiment that resonated deeply with our company's values, stating: "We have committed to this journey however long it will be, and for whatever comes next. Today we celebrate and today we are grateful.”. 

The Thai LGBTQ+ community also had reason to celebrate this week, becoming the first Southeast Asian country to legalize marriage equality. Thailand’s Senate passed the final reading of a marriage equality law, which was supported by nearly all upper house lawmakers. Now the law is making its way to the palace. Once the law receives royal approval, it will come into force 120 days after publication in the royal gazette, allowing the first same-sex weddings to take place later this year.

Victory celebrations for marriage equality in Thailand

This is a monumental step forward, marking Thailand the third country in Asia to enact marriage equality legislation, after Nepal and Taiwan. In 2023, Grindr for Equality proudly supported our partner, Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand, with a $50,000 grant to campaign for this historic win. We are honored to be part of this 20-year effort to achieve marriage equality in Thailand. 

These advances are hard-fought and well-earned, and the fact that they’re coming during Pride month makes them that much sweeter. Congrats to the community in both countries for these historic wins!

Launched in 2015, Grindr for Equality is a core company initiative dedicated to accelerating a world where LGBTQ people in every country are equal before the law, free to marry, and have their unique health needs met. In partnership with the company’s product and customer experience teams, public health authorities, and LGBTQ non-governmental organizations, Grindr for Equality harnesses the power of the Grindr platform and provides funding to advance key health and human rights goals for our community. 

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