Greek Parliament Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in Milestone for LGBTQ+ Rights

Grindr for Equality
October 16, 2024
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In a landmark victory, Greece has granted full marriage rights to same-sex couples, becoming the 37th country worldwide to achieve marriage equality. This win highlights the power and momentum of the LGBTQ+ movement, even in the face of intense global backlash.

Greek activists have fought for many years, making incremental progress leading up to this moment. In 2015, the government granted LGBTQ couples the right to civil partnerships that covered many of the legal benefits of marriage. In 2017, the country updated the process for trans people to be legally recognized in their correct gender, regardless of surgical status. And the following year, the government began to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere in the EU. But today, the country has taken another enormous step forward towards full LGBTQ+ equality by delivering full marriage rights.

At Grindr for Equality, we understand the significance of these hard-won victories. We applaud Greece's achievement and hope their success can remind us all that we can create a world where the lives of our community are free, equal, and just.

Our ongoing efforts for marriage equality currently include support for the marriage movements in four countries – Japan, Thailand, India, and Czechia. In each of these countries and beyond, we are throwing our support behind local advocates both financially and by enabling them to harness the power of the Grindr app to educate and activate users for the cause. 

Launched in 2012, Grindr for Equality is a core Grindr initiative dedicated to accelerating a world where LGBTQ+ people in every country are equal before the law, free to marry, and have their unique health needs met. Although over 160 countries continue to struggle in their movement toward marriage equality, today, we celebrate the Greek LGBTQ+ community and thank them for giving us such a decisive step toward the world we want to create.

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